Job Search Encouragement

It’s been tough. Really tough. A lot of job seekers would agree. Whether you were laid off, or are searching for a better place to work with more…of something, you are feeling the pressure. On top of that is a lot of uncertainty in our world and the economy is not great. Ok, so it’s not an ideal situation. You can make improvements to your current state. It’s going to take work.

I invite you to consider some simple ways to stay focused and strong during this difficult job-search-time of your life.

The heat and pressure of a job search is nearly as sizzling as the Arizona summer.

  1. Make Boundaries. Make a schedule for yourself, and stick to it. Mostly. Structure will help you create urgency and a boundary for the work of looking for a job and working on your personal brand. Experiment and reflect on what worked and what did not work.

  2. Just do it. Find ways to achieve and accomplish, so that you maintain or boost your confidence. Maybe it’s a longer or different workout, a walk down a new street, baking your first loaf of sourdough bread.

  3. Seek encouragement. Talk (not text, not posting on media) with encouraging people every week. Maybe every day, when it’s a bad week. These wonderful humans may not be your closest friends or family. These are people who can be pragmatic over pity-filled. Affirmative and appreciative over negative. You get the idea. This is not time to wallow but time to be grateful and forward thinking.

  4. Visit favorite people. If you have the means, make time to visit people who bring light and love into your life. When you were working full time, it was hard to do this, but right now might be the perfect time to love a little more.

  5. Learn. Read, listen to podcasts, watch some how-to videos, maybe take a class. It’s up to you on what is the most valuable learning you can do right now. Make a combination of learning efforts, call it blended if you want to get fancy, so that you don’t get bored.

  6. Reflect. Aim to look for three moments of gratitude a day. I know, this can be super hard but you can do it! Make time each day to reflect on your progress of relieving some of the pressure from this difficult time. You can journal it if you want, or just take a walk without devices.

I wish you the best in your search, and I hope you can stay mentally strong to weather this storm. Believe it or not, what you do with this pressure right now will partially design your future. Make it the best you can, right now, today. Your wild and precious life depends on it.


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